Originally Posted by shaned197
How is every one's battery life with this ROM? I recently got data/internet on my phone and now the battery dies within half a day.
If you are getting a day or more than a day from this ROM, is there any tips/tricks in particular your doing?
Usually a 30 minute phone call knocks the battery down to 60% fro 100%
Originally Posted by firebelly
mine is the same. last around 6~8 hr maximum thats even without making calls
But I love the rom so probably will be waiting anxiously for the update if any
hey guys, whatthefunk a few days ago posted a battery tweak that is not in NRG's rom currently. go to post 4 on the first page/tweak #4 to check it out. it essentially extends the period that the phone polls for battery levels, that is the time between polling itself. what that means is the battery is polling less thereby less usage of the battery, make sense to me
. this should extend battery especially when idle. I think it's worth trying and many roms have this already cooked in. Also, be sure to turn of beam in Start>Settings>Connections>Beam.
edit: by the way kbw. this battery tweak was originally posted by Juicy!