Originally Posted by bmx045
the biggest issue I have with the 6700 WM6 is the fact that its very slow switching to landscape and back, the WM5 OS does it nearly instantly. I wish there was a WM6 rom out there that was a bit faster..
Really? I didn't even realize that. I hardly use landscape mode, that must be why. If I have time I'll take a look into what might be slowing it down and see if I might be able to speed it up some.
Originally Posted by nkawal
Rob, i say you try the kitchen, with all of your lilttle tweaks and mods, i'm sure it'll work great.
Okay. I've been thinking if doing a kitchen for a little while. Maybe if I have the time I'll see what I can whip up in the next couple weeks.
Originally Posted by h8train
Well I just installed your latest b5 and have got everything back to the way I like it but no MMS, then returned to look at the change log and realized you removed mms because people were having problems with it. I see on page 21 you suggest installing our own mms program. Anyone have any recommendations for a stable MMS program? all I need to be able to do is send pix and flix, don't need any bells and whistles just stable MMS.
Please help as I MMS on a daily basis.
If you need the original MMS, you can grab it from your extended_rom, it is the biggest file. Otherwise, I know there is another new version floating around in the Apache forums. The main reason people were having trouble is because of upgrading. If the MMS is flashed into ROM somtimes it's hard to update to a newer version because it requires overwriting the old files, ect. That either leaves you unable to upgrade, or stuck with two versions of MMS if you do. So I just avoided all the hassle and made MMS optional so you can do whatever you want with it.