Originally Posted by Zammer
Battery life for my usage on the TP2 is ok for stock battery, I had the extended 2500mah and cover on my vogue, lasted longer, but should for the larger battery I had.
Mine is lasting about the same as my Touch Vogue was, with the extended battery (2000Mah). I can get a couple days out of it unless I'm in a bad signal area, then that drops to about 7 hours. My office is a good representation of a Faraday cage.
There IS an external battery available for the TP2
http://www.superetrader.co.uk/extend...ro-p-5298.html but really, I have a few things to knock it:
1) It makes the device frickin huge. It's another replace the back door for the giant battery mod.
2) 12 GBP.... seriously? I'd expect that battery to explode the third time I used it. Seems a bit too cheap.
3) The new cover is butt ugly.