Originally Posted by Spunks3
if im not mistaking u mighta been at 1.0.4
Op stated that he was.
This is the changelog to 1.1
Changed sound for notifications - You still can’t change them yourself, but the new sound is much richer, if a little quieter
Animated drop down menus - they look really slick and really change the experience. The Context menus also have some nice animation.
Lots of Photo app improvements. A more distinct bar between all photos and your albums in the photo app, plus they’re calling the Screenshot album “Screen Captures.†The preview thumbs also slide in from the right. Faster photo rendering. Overall the Photos app feels much more fully baked.
Emailing Memos - The memo app now has a menu option to email a memo.
A new font for the Browser - uses Palm’s system font and, truly, it looks fantastic.
Disabled the key combo in browser to open in a new card. Boo-urns.
Javascript interpreter Performance upgrades - this will speed up virtually everything and is great news
Better Gmail handling - not failing when you tap on a notification for an email you’d already archived on the desktop
A new icon for AIM
More auto-complete / auto correct entries in the dictionary.
With the slider open, the Center button now turns on the screen, where as before you had to hit a keyboard key or the power button.