I threw together a Mortscript to patch the wi-fi problem I was having with Proxycap. I was adding a 1st rule to direct connect, but then it wouldn't default to the next rule.
Here is a quote from Proxycap tech support : "When you want to connect to the Internet without a proxy, you can just disable ProxyCap:
Start/ProxyCap Config/Misc/Disable ProxyCap."
The Wi-Fi mortscript will Enable / Disable Proxycap and turn your wifi off and on. No need to reboot after clicking Yes or No.
Unzip the wifi folder.
Move it to you Program Files folder.
You can create a shortcut on your Today screen or tether the script to a key.
Click Wi-Fi to run. You will be prompted with " Do you want wifi? Yes No
Yes will disable Proxycap and start WiFi.
No will enable Proxycap and stop WiFi.