Originally Posted by quazimodem
For people in the Los Angeles area...
I could not get into the debug mode to get facts and verify the numbers but I had to report the "obvious".
I was using the latest sprint radio 1.12.34F and was getting 2 bars where I'm at. I read this thread and people in my area were getting good results with Verizon's 1.03.09V radio. I flashed this and now I'm getting a full 5 bars. I'm pretty happy with it so far.
If you need consistently strong reception, especially like I do in my signal-depressed pocket of West LA, the VZW 1.03.09 is just unbeatable. Since installing it I haven't missed a single call, VM or text, and I was so frustrated with the problem a few months ago I was almost going to threaten Sprint with cancellation or for an Airave. The few db more signal power it's given me have been awesome. The only drawback is that it'll occasionally drop to 1x instead of Ev, but most of the time it's fine and I'll live with that tradeoff if it means an overall more reliable phone.