Originally Posted by btonetbone
With any phone you flash, it's a good idea to do a hard-reset. On the Titan, you do this by holding the two soft-keys and pushing the reset hole. I've never heard of "clearstorage" before. Can you explain what that it?
Also, can you explain further what you mean by modifying RecipientAutoComplete in the registry? I'll make the same adjustment on my phone and see if it's the culprit.
If you have not heard of "clearstorage" then that would mean it is a program for the TP. However it is same thing as the hard reset. It is just a program that does the samething as a hard reset.
As for "reciepientAutoComplete" registry settings here is what I do.
DisableIMEContextInAddressField change from 1 to 0
MaxSuggestions change from 0 to 4 (can be whatever you want it to be for the suggestion)
This allows you to type in the a name of a receipient and it will give you up to 4 suggestions for receipients.
I hope this helps. I am starting to think it is truely a hardware keyboard issue.