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Old 08-16-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

that guy is an idiot. He thinks he can hold the vogue community to ransom because there are alot of people who think that he is gods gift to rom making and they have made it very clear that without him the vogue rom development will die, i say what a crock of S***, if he wants to leave or stop delevopment because of various reasons, let him go, as i believe there are some good vouge chefs Vin, WDM, jtuite, Andrew Welton, over here at PPC geeks that are just as clever as him, and also have the backing of Vogue community for help, we all share over here and help each other to the best of our ability with problems, and to be honest with u his roms - never read so many posts about issues with his rom, To say the a rom is going to be released and then very next sentence to " encourage everyone to donate to support deleopment on the vogue" is downright rude, we dont need this guy to continue development of vogue roms.

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