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Old 08-16-2009, 01:16 PM
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Re: SPB Mobile Shell 3.0!! (3.0.1 RC 5/21)

Originally Posted by ElAguila View Post
There is a thread on spb about the battery issue. It seems quite a few people are having issues with the battery life being drained.
Yup. Some days I can go all day and be at about 70% after about 16 hours and some days I'm at 30% by noon. Been a few days on my 12 hour shifts that My batt has died (new OEM battery, less than a year old) and I have to change out.
The day consists of very little time on the phone and mostly texting and internet useage.

Stock sprint rom 6.1 on a mogul and SPB mobile shell 3.0.1
