Re: Replacing HTC touch pro with Palm Pre
I replaced my Pro with a Pre. 2 weeks later, I switched back. The Pre is nice and my wife still has one but there are 2 major deal killers for me:
1) No voice command
2) Bluetooth issues. With 3 different phones and 4 different headsets including a bluetooth built into my car, the calls get garbled on both ends of the conversation throughout the conversation. The garbling starts anywhere from 30 seconds to 4 minutes from the start of the call, lasts for about 20 seconds and clears up. This will repeat throughout the call at no certain interval.
Another minor issue that Im sure will get resolved soon; No Sirius Sat Radio app and it cannot stream from thier website.
What I do like about the Pre:
The feel and operability
Battery Life
OS stability
Calls drop more often on the Pre as well