08-16-2009, 02:53 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar
Originally Posted by Misfortune
I spent so much time changing icons, i don't even know if i included them all in this preview, haha. There are 3 versions of the shellres.dll included in the rar, one with my newly styled htc logo, the old htc logo, and the round windows logo, choose your poison. Just remember to rename the file to shellres.192.dll or shellres.192.dll.0409.mui accordingly! All of the other files should just be replaced with the ones in your windows folder. I know this is a pain in the *** for some, but it is actually really simple. I am sure tsowen, or someone else, will be along soon to help me out with a CAB file for all the rest of you people! ---CAB's Added!---
Don't fret GSM people, I will have an update soon with the known changes that work for your taskbars. Maybe one day we will figure out how to change your signal bars!
As always comments, criticism, and DONATIONS![see sig] are welcome.
The RAR file includes all of the dll's. And the three zip files are the CAB's [big thanks to tsowen], just choose which start icon you would like!
[The first ZIP is the new HTC icon, second is the old HTC icon, and third is the round windows icon.]
[Also included is the new version of HTCVolumeControl in case you are encountering any problems]
dear master ..
i have installed ur htc start taskbar ..after soft-reset the htc icon does not show up ...
can you teach ?thanks