Originally Posted by eman
Nobody mentioned the lack of a dpad. Is there any way to play games on this device or even scroll line by line?
Definitely takes some getting used to...not having one! I read somewhere that part of the reasoning was that you would have the keyboard out more than in, and therefore did not need a d-pad. I'm not so sure about that myself. One of the places I keep struggling with is messaging, and the inability to scroll up and down messages using the dpad, particularly when you want to scroll above or below the current page. I was so used to doing this with the dpad, and now have to use my finger or stylus. Then if I actually want to delete a message without first opening it it's a bit of a pain because there is no way to highlight a particular message now without tapping it...and that of course opens it.
The obvious advantage is the larger screen (WVGA) though, and I know which I use / need more