Originally Posted by bmx045
great, fuckin awesome, RL forced me to hard reset. Genius. I switch from default skin to touch of vista and it locked completely, even after soft reset.
hmm, thats wierd. I know a bunch of people who have started using that skin without any problems. I don't know what exactly in an RL Skin could force you to hard reset. The skin only displays graphic files and links to stuff already on your device.
So you went to options, switched to the VIsta skin and then when you hit ok the device locked up? And then you soft reset and it was locked up? Or did you switch the skin and then try to use one of the links?
I ask that because some of the links in my skins use Spb Mobile Shell commands so if you dont have that installed maybe that was a problem, but even so, in rlToday when you click on a dead link alert box just pops up with an error message no big deal.