Originally Posted by zoglog
1. Data is being sent/recieved - this relates to picture mail, e-mail, IM clients etc. If you have set up your e-mail, weather etc, to auto check then the device will wake each time.
2. Change of signal and service. If your device goes from No service into service it will also wake the device. Changing networks - home to roam - sprint to vzw etc. will also wake the device.
3. Not closing various 3rd party programs will also wake the device."
My phone auto-updates pretty much everything that can be auto-updated and, in addition to that, i have pocketwit running 24/7 auto updating every 15 minutes and my screen never comes on unless i get a text or unlock it myself. I think that the 1x/roam to EVDO looks like the most likely culprit, however, i was wrong this one time, so i guess i could be this time too
Originally Posted by MrObvious
Leave it in 1x if you aren't using data and it shouldn't do that as much. I use S2U2 and just have agressive screen shutting of policies on my phone to save battery.
"agressive screen shutting of policies" LOL how eloquently put.