Originally Posted by violent31601
the .cab forces the connection to "sprint" make sure your connection is called sprint otherwise it doesn't know what to connect to
The problem i'm having is everytime I use WMwifirouter it "resets" and I have to reinstall the .cab to get it to lock again.
anyone have a fix for this?
I did not do the 'Fix' in this thread as I have WMWiFiRouter.
I am alittle confused as to why you did the fix if you have WiFiRouter.
I was able to tether just fine a few months ago without WiFiRouter or any modifications. My connection always said Sprint.
Then one day, out of the blue, my connection said Phone as Modem. I downloaded the Fix and it took but everytime I connected, the connection would say Sprint and then it would change to Phone as Modem.
I figured that Sprint reconfigured something over the Network.
I posted something about this issue awhile ago but I forgot what thread it's in.
That is when I purchased WMWiFiRouter.
I since read that there is a fix for this issue.