One change I make to every ROM is to change the calendar view on the Titanium menu.
Instead of "Calendar" it shows my next appointment. The one downside to this is that if you don't have an appointment, then it leaves a blank space where it would normally say Calendar. That's not a problem for me though as I never have more than one day with no appointment.
Anyhow, I replace the CalendarCondensed line in the CRP with the following:
<Layer ID="CalendarCondensed" Visible="False" Width="480" Height="68" Clip="False">
<Layer ID="Page" Clip="False">
<!-- Text 1: appointment -->
<Text ID="Text 1" Left="20" Top="8" Width="460" Height="30" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="9" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0"/>
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF"/>
<!-- Text 2: appointment_date -->
<Text ID="Text 2" Left="30" Top="38" Width="450" Height="30" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="7" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0"/>
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF"/>