Originally Posted by TWiST
SO any1 suggest a good alternative to this Kitchen since Cal seems to be on Vacation and the bugs in 23009 are starting to wear on me. I have flashing fever and the only cure is MORE COWBELL!
I just really like the depth of this Kitchen and all the included apps and would love to find something more updated with this same extent of customization ability
You can grab the 23016 SYS/ROM Folders on Da_Reeseboy's thread. Use the base_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640, Phone_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640 and WinCEN folders from Calks 23006 then delete both ADC, all Adobe, SQM, Riched20, Webview, Sample Music, RingsandAlerts, System_Default_Font, and Sim_Tkit folders if they are in the SYS. Then change the names of the old SYS & ROM folders.