This is one to get excited about, a 7 Megapixel panorama tweak...
MainCamCaptSize to 1024 (default: 64)
MainCamSupportCaptSize to 1744 (default: 80)
This tweak will allow you to take 7MP panorama shots w/ your TP, Diamond or Touch HD! The pictures it takes (see below) actually aren't bad. Please be advised though that there is some delay taking the pictures with this tweak and the pictures that are taken are quite large 4506x1536 (6.92mp) versus 1408x480 (0.67mp)-- which means the file sizes are also larger (~1MB-2MB). However, if you're already doing a panoramic shot then I'm sure (like me) you're interested in the quality of the picture taken (rather than file size).
If you're wondering how it is taking a 3.2 MP camera and turning it into 7 MP -- it is taking multiple pictures and attaching them together to get the panoramic effect.