I finally figured out how to get my phone to auto accept exchange policies (Toast) without having to press OK after reflashing my phone, below is the proceedure
1. Download the attached filed labled "Elephant007PolicyToastAccept.cab"
2. Copy the following code to notepad and change the entries that are all capitols to your information
The code below will automatically download entire message and attachements... I've also scheduled peak times when to sync and excluded syncing tasks... if you wish to sync tasks change from 0 to 1
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- *** Start Personalized Exchange/ActiveSync Settings ***-->
<!-- *** Start Exchange Settings *** -->
<characteristic type="Sync">
<characteristic type="Connection">
<parm name="Server" value="EXTERNAL-EXCHANGE-SERVER-ADDRESS" />
<parm name="AllowSSLOption" value="1" />
<parm name="User" value="COMPLETE-EMAIL-ADDRESS" />
<parm name="Domain" value="" />
<parm name="Password" value="PASSWORD" />
<parm name="SavePassword" value="1" />
<!-- *** Start Configure Peak Times, M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM ***-->
<characteristic type="Settings">
<parm name="PeakStartTime" value="0800" />
<parm name="PeakEndTime" value="1700" />
<parm name="PeakFrequency" value="-1" />
<parm name="BodyTruncation" value="-1" />
<characteristic type="PeakDays">
<parm name="Sun" value="0" />
<parm name="Mon" value="1" />
<parm name="Tue" value="1" />
<parm name="Wed" value="1" />
<parm name="Thr" value="1" />
<parm name="Fri" value="1" />
<parm name="Sat" value="0" />
<!-- *** End Configure Peak Times ***-->
<characteristic type="Mail">
<parm name="Enabled" value="1" />
<parm name="MailBodyTruncation" value="-1" />
<parm name="MailFileAttachments" value="-1" />
<characteristic type="Calendar">
<parm name="Enabled" value="1" />
<characteristic type="Contacts">
<parm name="Enabled" value="1" />
<characteristic type="Tasks">
<parm name="Enabled" value="0" />
<!-- *** End Personalized Exchange/ActiveSync Settings ***-->
Now after making all your changes in NOTEPAD, copy and then go to this site
http://supware.net/CabGen/, remove their code and paste yours in, I named mine Exchange.cab... save it to your computer
Now store your two cab files on your SDCard so you can use UC to call them up...
3. Copy this script and put on your SDCard, I've named mine Tweak01.mscr
Call ("SilentInstall", "\Storage Card\Config\Cabs\Exchange.cab")
Sub SilentInstall
runwait("\Windows\wceload.exe", """" & fd & """ /noui /nodelete")
Add this to your SDCONFIG.TXT for use with UC
Here is a snippet of my SDConfig.txt code
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\Elephant007PolicyToastAccept.cab
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Files\Tweak01.mscr
Basically what this does is installs HTCApplication Service on your device which must be installed and running before your device will auto accept the policies pushed down from your Exchange Server. The phone will reboot before installing the Exchange.cab file which configures your exchange account on the phone. Since the phone reboots first, it gives HTCApplication the opportunity to start thus causing everything to work!!
It took me a while to finally figure this out, here you have it in a short thread!!
Test on HTC Touch Pro device