Originally Posted by ajac
I am noticing no one from telus is giving us much info on it to bad was hoping for some more posts on the quality and battery life but oh well we get ours in a few weeks.
lol! That's because we're all busy enjoying our devices
I find that the battery life on the TP2 is much better than my old device, the Diamond. I would always worry about it dying, bring extra chargers, you know the drill. Wouldn't last a day in standby.
The TP2 is MILES ahead of the last-gen in terms of batt. life! Right now, since 630am, my TP2 has been in standby for 5 hours, and in use for 2. it's sitting at 70% battery. Woo!
I've had it go 2 days on a charge, with mild usage. (that's with push-internet, 2 mail accounts syncing every hour, etc.etc.)
Verdict from a Telus user: BATTERY=GOOD