Originally Posted by nanoware
weird bug in the last two releases - - - - -
when ever i plug in my adapter to play music in my truck, it randomly dials by itself. randomly at different times, the last person i spoke to... very weird....
That is weird ... Try this:
flash the old file again...factory default.. flash stock...factory default 3 times and reboot... hold it over your head and aim it directly in the path of the sun at 12 noon and hit reboot one more time. flash the new file once and factory default. flash again 2 times and factory default. take the battery out and run around the house with the battery clockwise... put the battery in... take it out... run back around the house counter-clockwise. now have your friend take the device and you take the battery...then you run clockwise and he runs counter-clockwise. meet in the middle at exactly 6:12pm and turn the device on with the battery in it.
J/K. Not sure what would cause that. Hopefully someone else has a good answer for you... but I am guessing you should probably hard reset.