Re: SMS Lag Fix!
Just a quick question, in thread_sms.htm, has anybody tried changing that limit=0 to maybe limit=160 to see if it would just not let you type over 160 characters? If so, you could even set it to 140 for the twitter folk... Please post your results.
EDIT: Ok, tested this out myself, and it does indeed limit my text message to 160 characters!!!! I can't type past 160 letters now... Excellent.... I guess this will have to do until somebody figures out how to get it to count without the lag. Somebody edit the htmlnote.dll file!!!!
EDIT2: I hope fr0st doesn't mind, but i just edited his cab with the 160 character limit, and attached to this thread. Enjoy!
EDIT3: Also attached a CAB to make the limit 140 characters just in case the twitter folk need it.
Last edited by lennysh; 08-12-2009 at 11:11 PM.