Well i have a htc touch pro recently flashed from metro pcs, actually its seems they do not flash, just put the neccesary settings for your phone work in their network, we are still using the stock spring rom under new phone conections settings (too bad no internet yet)
What program are u using to activate the gps?,because there is no direct activation link, gps only works under certain programs like google maps,tom tom or the stock program sprint navigation.
I just noticed that if you want to use gps, make sure all conections are off, excep the phone settings mus be on (using tom tom software), you must be not inside at home or bulding, no walking, because the tom tom program can get a lock from the satellites, and then star working.
Using google maps, under menu, there's an option -> use gps, just enable it and thats it (by the way at this moment can't get a internet conection using the metro network, and the google maps use your phone internet conection to dowload data over the air) but with not internet conection on your phone, gps still works, but no maps (unles your phone is conected to your computer via usb, hten can see the maps and see in action your location using the gps, just put your phone near a window to get a satellyte lock

Also Spring navigation uses data over the internet conection from your phone, and works exactly as the google maps.
I hope this can help u.
And also i have the same final question, if someone can help, Unlocking and flasing a user rom like Mighty rom will ovewrite and delete all the settings made it at the metro store? Our phones will work under a new custom rom using the metro network?.
I did before an unlock and flashed the mighty rom and i saw that when you flash a new rom the phone does a hard rest itself and maybe this could cause to overwrite and maybe erase all metro settings
then i went with my unlocked phone, the mighty rom, at the metro store and they could not program my phone using houdinni (it seem they use an unlock program) , so i put the stock rom and locked again and now its flashed (programed) to metro.