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Old 08-12-2009, 05:16 PM
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Re: Treo Pro on Verizon

Originally Posted by GerryEgan View Post
I'm sorry I don't have any technical expertise to share, (and, frankly, don't know what a lot of the terms and instructions in this thread mean), but I can share my experience if it's helpful.

I was an Alltel customer. I bought my Treo Pro on July 1st at an Alltel store, (pre-Verizon merger finalization). Since then our account has been moved to the Verizon site and the there was no noticeable change in the phone or usage of it to me.

The only service problem I have, (and it existed from the beginning), is that I can't receive Video MMS messages; what I get is a text message saying someone sent me a video message and a link to Alltel's MyPictures site. I've tried to call about it several times but lack the patience to wait more than fifteen or twenty minutes and have given up each time. It's very annoying, though. If I go to the site and downlad the video message to my Treo Pro it plays fine so I don't think it's a file compatability issue. Also, I can send them to my wife's HUE II Alltel phone, (purchased the same day and on the same Alltel/Verizon account), fine; I just can't receive one from hers.

That may or may not be a Verizon issue; I honestly don't know. Any idea?
To the best of my knowledge, the merger is still continuing, and will not be finished until into late summer (September) or possibly early fall. A lot of my friends are still servicing at Alltel stores, because there ARE Alltel stores, the merger can't be finished. The billing and services will be completely fixed when the merger is finalized. This might explain your MMS issue. Just wish I had a Treo Pro that at least made a phone call