08-12-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions
Originally Posted by kameisama
I'd really like to see a little bit more work put into polishing Synergy. I quite like how you can combine contact info from various networking sites and append that to each individual contact, but I strongly dislike that some services add contacts to my list without letting me remove them. An example being, today I configured my Pre to work with my AIM account. Without asking me, it merged all my AIM contacts with my main contact list, and now I cannot remove or hide them. This bothers me because there are people on my AIM contact list that I do not want to be in my main Pre contact list--people I don't know too well, wouldn't talk to often, or have only limited information on. I can understand if the scope of this Synergy concept is to keep all contacts in this main list, but as I said I would definitely appreciate being able to hide some contacts and all-together delete others from both AIM and my Pre.
Further, when I was introduced to the Pre, one of the cool features I noticed was that you could start playing music and then go about your business on the phone, with the music still playing in the background. Going off of this, I went ahead and tried it out with youtube videos using the phone's built-in app. To my dismay, both the video and audio stopped once I returned to card view. In future versions, I would like to see the youtube app working under the same premise of uniformity that the rest of the phone seems to abide by.
tl;dr give me more customization and control over my contact list, and allow apps like youtube to continue working in the background. 
I agree on the AIM contacts. However, what would be the benefit of having a youtube video keep playing after minimizing and going to a different card? Personally, I'd find it rather annoying if a had to manually pause the video everytime I minimize it to do something else.
Sprint Touch Diamond running:
Telus v1.04.05V Radio
TouchPal Keyboard
Pre running... errr 1.1...