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Old 10-29-2007, 06:44 PM
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daylight savings time ending - issues again

Anyone else have problems starting Sunday because daylight savings didn't end? I got a pop up on Sunday saying that my phone had been updated for daylight savings time. But when I checked the time, it was still correct. I didn't think anything of it until today when I looked at my calendar and everything was either off by an hour, if it had a time, or off by a day, if it was an all day event. It showed Halloween was now on October 30th. Who knew? I called Sprint and apparently I'd missed another daylight savings time update. I say another because I remember doing this when daylight savings time started. Now, everything this week is still messed up, but after this week, when daylight savings should end, it looks OK. I just hope it will still look OK in a week!

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