Originally Posted by Biker1
It is a sad day
Following the instructions above may help you out
Well, I don't think I qualify for the instructions: The nearest repair center is over 100 miles from here. The sprint store here doesn't do anything when you go there with problems, except have you call the tech-line who will send you to the repair center.
Also, bought the Diamond on ebay, since I didn't qualify for an upgrade at the time. Had it insured until they raised the deductible. Thinking I could prolly get another used on on ebay for a bit more than that, which still comes out cheaper than paying the deductible plus the gas money back and forth (last time they had me come back twice).
So I see having just two choices (cause I need the vibrate): buy another one on ebay, or hang in there for a brand new TP2 - or D2, if they ever come out.