Originally Posted by Plan B
Hey RA, do you have a cab to put a facebook tab on the tita home screen? I saw that Longhorn rom has it, and thought it would be nice to add. I know you dont want to cook it in...
I don't but I can see if I can come up with one. I made a facebook cab but it is not a titanium plugin. I'll see what I can find.
I think today will be the day I reformat my laptop and reclaim my other 100gb partition that is currently occupied by an old derelict gentoo installation. Each kitchen I have is growing VERY fast... need more room. (my main kitchen - the one that my roms are coming from - has 49,000 files in it already) So for about 5 hours today I will be unavailable imagex'ing my vista partition to reapply it to my newly created single 200gb paritition