Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
op, thanx for all your hard work on this and contiue updates on fixes, also thanx for helping me via emails for the other ms3 cabs. darren
No problem Darren. I am not the originator of most of this stuff. I just tweak it to my liking. I prefer the black look, so that is the way I am making all the cabs. I kinda look around and find all the bits I like and then put them together. I clean things up a bit if needed, but there are some really good programmers out there. To all of them I give a humble salute. Keep up the good work for all of us.

HTC Touch Pro
ROM Version: 2.01.671.1
Radio Version: 1.12.34F
MS Windows Mobile 6.1
Spb Mobile Shell v3.0.1
S2U2 v2.04
Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.1.3
Touch Response v0.3.2
My edited MSkip Mobile Shell 3 Enhancements
My edited Tsowen and m6Silver Custom Task Bar Icons
My edited Black S2A without Curtain
My edited Black Comm Manager