Originally Posted by jrmatics
make a call, then when the call is connected then adjust the volume
Yep that's what i'm doing, the side volume controls work fine out of call. Even tried changing to the dual slider with the app thats installed and soft resetting. but it seems to get stuck at that full blown volume every time. Hitting the volume buttons in call don't even show the full screen volume display
Originally Posted by jdm627
Thank you
Here is Just Lumos after a soft reset
Please tell us the truth for this beautifull numbers running on Data!!!!!!!
Wath's your trick?
I dont know what to tell you guys, maybe i can give you the actual steps that i do after a hard reset or a new flash
1. Hard Reset
2. Flash the new rom if applicable.
3. If a new rom was flashed I hard reset again, if not continue to next step.
4. Install the white clock cab.
5. Install Lumos.
6. Run Lumos Wizard. I set the "low" to 0 and hold a lighter up to the sensor for the "high" which normally falls around 1470 or so. Make sure to hit "save and apply" on the Lumos screen.
7. Soft reset for good measure.
8. Sync with activesync.
9. Use the phone!
and those are the steps i take each and every time. after that its up to you.
ex. MyPhone, Email all that good stuff that makes it way on my phone if NRG doesnt update every 5 minutes