What's that old saying? "Where Clearwire goes, Sprint is sure to follow (and resell)?" Something like that. Anyway, we'd gotten confirmation of Clearwire's
next planned expansion last week, and Sprint just followed up with word that it'll also offer service in most of those same cities. As you'd expect, Sprint's list is just as Texas-heavy as Clearwire's -- San Antonio and Midland-Odessa, get ready to party -- but there's a couple cities on there that were
just rumored or we hadn't heard about, like Raleigh, N.C. and Maui. As for New York, Boston, D.C., Houston, and San Francisco, well, Sprint says WiMAX is coming in 2010, but won't commit to a date -- so we guess we'll see all of you down in Lubbock this winter. Full list after the break.
- Abilene, Texas
- Amarillo, Texas
- Austin, Texas
- Boise, Idaho
- Bellingham, Wash
- Charlotte, N.C.
- Corpus Christi, Texas
- Greensboro, N.C.
- Killeen-Temple, Texas
- Lubbock, Texas
- Maui, Hawaii
- Midland-Odessa, Texas
- Raleigh, N.C.
- Salem, Ore.
- San Antonio, Texas
- Waco, Texas
- Wichita Falls, Texas
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