I'm sorry guys, it's been a long couple of days and sleep deprivation is catching up to me quickly. Let me see if
I can even translate my own nonsense here. I was able to add pick3 to my account the day before my billing cycle ended, so that's definitely not the case. Excuse the poor table formatting, I didn't feel much like screenshot editing right now. 555.555.GOOG is obviously my google voice number. Do you notice how these two calls differ in the ensemble log? No setting changes were made, both calls were placed during peak hours, and the ones on 8/04 will go against my AT minutes even though they showed on my handset as my GV#. I was probably roaming, so that's where the Unavailable came from.
Date & Time Phone Number Destination Minutes Used
08/05 09:40AM 555-555-GOOG Incoming 1
08/04 03:00PM Unavailable Incoming 2
08/04 02:00PM Unavailable Incoming 4
Ok, So I checked my call logs and I haven't received any incoming calls from my Google Voice number since I changed the setting (which must have been after 8.05). That was a complete oversight by me and I apologize. I'm pretty sure you need to have Google show your Voice number when calling--I'll edit the post. What we
do know then, is that if you spoof your callerID setting to show your GV number, then ensemble will occasionally recognize it. What we don't know is what's going on behind the scenes when the billing system reports "Unavailable". My theory of course, is roaming. I suppose it could also be possible that Google for whatever reason (peak times, call volume/load, or simple round robin) is using a different method of establishing the connection between parties and is either spoofing, blocking, or using an unrecognizable caller ID to contact your handset.
I hope that explains a bit more what I'm talking about. The bottom line is, if you hover right around 500 minutes a month and a significant amount of your call volume is incoming, you might need to be cautious.