Originally Posted by jdm627
Originally Posted by yozgatg
i can't give any dates since i haven't even started on the new build, but don't expect it soon
i'm 2 weeks away from my exams and they last for 3 weeks (they're spread over 3 weeks so i have 1 each week) so 2 months would be an estimation (yes i know that's long but hey, if u want something good u will have to wait)
*oh wait, i thought you were talking about R1.5
R1.1 will be out soon (hopefully) but it's just the other packages that are updated, the manila package is the same as R1 + the contacts & calendar fix + maybe Sibbor's message fix (need to check that one out yet)
Yikes, I am so glad I don't have tests and finals and papers to write anymore.
Give me 9-5 grind any day...