08-11-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2
Originally Posted by omahajs
NRGZ28 - ......please make a slightly stripped down rom for us lowly vzw users. I have the 8/1 Standard_RD version installed and running well, but have little memory left to do anything. I can only view a few pages in this forum before I'm out of memory, cant' really multitask at all and am constantly running memmaid quick clean, cleanram and oxios just to keep my device running. Internet sharing is the only program open on a freshly soft rest device and I'm sitting at 13MB free/89% memory used.
I know you're busy with continual updates and that is appreciated, but if you could just keep the awesome looks and strip out a bunch of stuff (that we could install cabs to ram) for us vzw users that would be great.
I'm sure the Sprint Folks would be fine with no updated rom for a bit  .
Thank you!!
I feel ya...How great it would be!!! Mine has been running about the same 1-2 soft resets a day is a must just to keep it up and running and still with occational hangs.
Still wouldn't change it for the world, best ROM out there IMO...