Originally Posted by raidzero
I am reflashing 2.6 because I want to ensure the .net thing does not cause problems, what are you trying to use that needs 3.5 and 3.7 does not work with?
If that line is a comment towards my post, I get the .net error after the atcontacts error when I try to add contacts to my fave list. Haven't gotten any other errors.
Also another thing I've noticed, in v2.6 if I click the sms bubble when I get a txt message it brings up the comm window and then from there you have to click sms again which brings up a bubble with the partial txt message in it which you can click to take you to txt messages. In v2.5 when I click the sms bubble it takes me to my txt messages.
I am not adding anything to or modifying the rom in anyway. I have redownloaded v2.5 and v2.6 multiple times now (all from megaupload, the timer on rapidshare sucks). I follow the listed flashing procedure and have yet to have atcontacts work.
Other then my apparent issues, the rom is awesome. Battery life is amazing!