1 ) How long does your battery last?
It was 4 hours when I got it 3 days ago while it was idle, since the changes have had almost 6 hours
2 ) Which ROM are you running? Stock 2.00.651.7
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? regedit pollinterval, diamond TF3D for thems and using some DiamondTweak
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day? 17
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day? 15-60
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail. not sure on this phone, i think i did maybe 30min
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? bt yes 4 houres but then it need charge, wi-fi tried it for about 10 min
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? Keep looking, read alot.... this is a new phone i got friday as a upgrade, they told me at the store that the battery was bad but come on 4 houres of it just laying there doing nothing, for half the time i had bt and i made about a 10 min call before i was warning me.... but since the regedit i made 3 calles maybe 30 min total and it seem to last almost 6 houres... i will trying to run it all the way down then charging it as i did notice it never stays at 100% and doing this a few time and i will keep looking for regedites something has to give... i will need to work sone or latter and this phone will have to work for atleast 9-10 houres... i hope i get it there or it will have to go back