Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)
Hey guys, thanks for all the great info. I have a few questions though:
1) I'm constantly flashing custom ROMs on my TP but whenever I take my phone to the repair store I'm always certain to flash a stock Sprint ROM and relock the device. My question though is there any chance the repair tech will detect I've been flashing my device so much with custom OS's and calling me out for technically voiding my warranty and covering it up? Or is a stock-flashed/SPL-0.37.0000 TP all they can see, and theres no other way to tell what my device has been up to?
2) I often wonder what the techs think of people modifying the phones. I'd like to think they are all custom ROM users too and consider the customers who figure that stuff out as savvy power users so they might be 'nicer' to those customers. But I'm afraid that their opinion could be entirely opposite! Perhaps they'd get frustrated with stupid users flashing crazy third party crap on the devices, breaking them because they don't know what their doing, and causing them so much work...and then insult of insults, trying to sneak through the TEP system to have them fix their mistakes! I used to do computer tech support myself so I know what its like to feel affinity for a smarter then average user but also to get furious with idiot users making dumb mistakes. I suppose every tech would be different on this but I'm curious about the generalized attitude of official repair techs on this topic. is there an official sprint stance?
3) my TP's USB port split down the middle and stopped charging/synching correctly. I took it into the repair store today and had my phone back with a replaced port in 20 minutes. It was fast and easy. However, almost all the chrome has come off my TP.. not by dropping or anything other then pulling it in and out of my pocket for almost a full year. I have several friends with TPs and their chrome is all coming off too. One of them took their phone in specifically because of that flaking and they got a whole new device! Is this chrome thing a known issue? What could I have said at the repair store to get the chrome piece fixed in addition to the USB port?
Thanks again!
Last edited by veo_; 08-10-2009 at 10:13 PM.