Okay, I did a LOT of work, mostly optimizing the animation and most of the work was backend improvements. If anyone wants to try it out, the animations should be a lot smoother. Slow load time is a known issue at this point as most of the startup-optimizations I made in the previous test versions were removed when I rewrote the affected code. I will be reoptimizing the startup time, so no need to report that.
Again, there is no actual functionality in this release, aside from the animation and core. You will only see buttons "select" when you press them on the launcher screen, the other screens do nothing.
Here's the new test version:
Test Version 8 / Original Info:
I started working on making up my own HTC Cube clone earlier today. I don't like the flash one particularly, mainly because it's slow. This is being developed in C# using the .Net Compact Framework version 2.0.
I'm concentrating on having this be easy on memory, while being speedy and highly configurable. It will probably depend on FTouchFlo and minimize.exe (configurable if you want it to minimize or close).
With that being said, I'm releasing test version 8. The only thing present at the moment is the animation stuff and the base framework. Within the next few days, I hope to have it be configurable and actually doing something.
If anyone wants to run it and see how it runs, giving feedback or suggestions on it, that would be awesome.
Known issues: Text flashing when you press buttons on the app launcher screen [due to the way text is handled, will be fixed in later releases].
Instructions: Download this directly to your PPC and run it. Gesture left/right to flip screens, and gesture down to close.
Note: This is my first time posting something like this on here. If it's in the wrong spot or something, please let me know and move it.