Originally Posted by Image911
Folks, despite all the crap we can ever imagine filling these devices with... we must remember they are a PHONE, first and foremost. Adding games will surely eat up our precious battery time. If I didn't already adjust my setting, I'd have even less battery life! Here in Vermont (New England) we have poor/spotty coverage, and more often than not, we either have no service, little service or drifted/spotty service. Just the way it is out here.
In stand-by mode, with the screen blank (off) and nothing playing... I can get a good day's battery charge. To play music (with the screen off) - I'd have mere hours left. If I surfed the Net... I'm down to 30%. Thus the reason I keep the phone plugged in to the computer in the office - charging, as well as at home, at night... and in the car. In emergency management, I can NOT afford to have a drained or weak battery! Games...?? Who has time to play games, anyway??
Perhaps if you're a firefighter and an EMT you don't have much time to fool around, but some of us are students that have some free time during the summer
I also have downtime at my job sometimes, no reason not to whip out the phone and play a few games.
My favorite games on Omnia so far are Asphalt 4 and Kevtris (even dope wars is fun) but I'm still looking for something new and interesting. One game that I know doesn't exist yet is an equivalent of Paper Toss (you guessed it, for the iPhone/touch) which I would love, I think that's the best little time waster ever.
Also I can get about 2 days on battery with very little usage and my signal isn't fantastic, maybe it's better than yours though.