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Old 08-10-2009, 10:59 AM
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Re: memory card shows full

Originally Posted by trehouse View Post
I have a prob where my microsd is showing full. It's actually only 1/2 full.

This is causing an issue for programs which use the microsd to write to such as the camera, ie, etc.

I'm using WM6.5 No Manilla ROM and the issues started after my flash. All else with the ROM is great.

Any help or thoughts on this are appreciated. I'm verifying sectors, etc on the card now.

Also, anyone have a workaround for Sprite Backup not working? Sprite says that their product won't work on cooked 6.5 ROM's however I'm not seeing this issue except in their forum (and my device).
backup everything that is on and reformat it, i had that happen once and reformatting took care of it.
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