Originally Posted by saumaun
Hey MeGa, long time no talk.
I see you have been very busy lately! I would like to contribute a few pictures if you want to make themes out of them. Just take your pick.
I took these pictures using exposure mode on my camera and a special exposure light wand. I had to scale them down so they would fit... tell me what you think!
These aren't photoshopped, but if you would like me to do something for you in photoshop, I have some skills there
I've attached a few samples, and the zip with somewhere around 50 pics.
Hey Hey
Yeah it has been a while. I have been very busy. I have opened my own site (
http://www.ppcthemes.net ) and it's be gaining some ground. In under a month it has over 250 members. Only problem is they the majority of course don't post but I wish they would at least click on a few ads....lol I even click on ads here as I see that if people clicked 16 ads a day, you can make a decent amount of money to cover server cost and such. What have you been up too? Those pictures are definitely hot. I have cut down a bit on the themes as not I am working 2 jobs (morning = web designer + night = Senior Computer operator) plus i'm trying to get married this May and you know how much weddings cost and since it's just me and my lady footing the money, I'm working all I can. But you need to check out the site and I will definitely post some themes with the pictures you have uploaded. Check my site out and tell me what you think.
-= MeGa =-
Yes, I have closed my site and I'm in the process of moving. I do have all of my themes still and will upload them on request here. The best part about the themes is they were perfectly on Windows 6.5 Romz.