Re: Unusual problem flashing a Verizon Touch Pro
I just went through the whole process again twice. After going to Wally World and buying a new computer even. I was running XP Pro SP3 on an older machine. Now I'm running Vista SP1 on the new one. DL' Windows Mobile Device center and I ran the unlocker from your post (same one I had but fresh DL) with the same results... stuck at "Loading..." with no progress bar.
Then I went to CDMA Raphael Elite Team page and dl'd the Verizon HSPL package, unzipped it and ran the SSPL Manual and it gave me errors also. Also ran the Raphael_VZW_HSPL_035 with the same results.
I truly believe this Touch Pro is either defective in some way or Verizon has found a new way to block the changing of ROMs. I never had any kind of problems like this with my Alltel TP with many ROM changes.