I have a program called PhonAlarm - and would like to make it into a widget so that it runs on WinMo 6.5 with the titanium theme (windows default) screen... I am not very good at programming or making things but I am willing to learn... I would really perfer someone who could make it for me or give me the ability to make one it myself..
My home computer has windows 7 on it - so I don't know what programs may or may not work with it...
I perfer to be contacted via e-mail at
jasonfieldz@gmail.com - I also have IM(s) that I would be willing to talk to someone about what exactly I am looking for...
I have Phone Alarm 2.22 Pro...
I have read that they are going to offer support in v.3.0 later in the year - but that will require me to upgrade and buy new version

I can currently get it to work in the TouchFlo system - but it is not what I really like or want - would rather use Titanium Theme
Thanks in advanced...