Unusual problem flashing a Verizon Touch Pro
I've had a Verizon Touch Pro for about 2 weeks now and finally decided to flash it to something besides its stock ROM. I've been trying 2 days now. It still has the stock ROM.
I've unlocked the TP with HardSPL (with the Verizon version) and the BootLoader screen says Security Unlocked and also 0.35-C-SSPL as it should.
Then I tried to get various ROMs to flash to it (SSK, Mighty 4, Mighty 6 and a couple others) both from cabs and their respective Kitchens on the PC. (Changed PagePool to 8meg on some of them)
I've tried relocking (cabs and kitchens) and locking several times and it never gets past the Loading.... screen. Checking the BootLoader still shows unlocked.
Cleared Storage - the Verizon equivalent of a hard reset - from Memory control panel several times (which requires reprogramming *228 opt. 1) in between trying to flash. Tried flashing without reprogramming.
I've let the TP sit for up to 30 minutes with the Loading... screen up with no change.
In short, I've tried everything I know to do and everything I can find to do after searching (for 2 days) here and over at XDA and other places and it will not flash. I've tried all these steps in the proper order (and sometimes not - just to see what would happen after many failures)
I'm not new to flashing. I flashed my Alltel TP many times.
Does anyone have any ideas?