Originally Posted by LeaguePro
this worked once for me and now the response varies from error67 and remote party has ended the connection. not sure what if any were the specific steps i took to get it to work that first time. i have no wifi on my laptop. i was so excited when i got it to work and now have spent 4hrs trying different things to get this to work. I ASKED SPRINT TO GIVE ME THE PHONE AS MODEM PLAN AND THEY SAID THAT ADD ON IS NO LONGER BEING OFFERED, NOT IF I CHANGE MY PLAN NOT ANYTHING THERE IS NO PHONE AS MODEM, SO I ASKED IF I COULD MAKE IT WORK ON MY OWN BECAUSE I KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE, WOULD I CHARGED ANY VIOLATION FEE OR GET IN TROUBLE IN ANY WAY AND THEY SAID "NO IF YOU CAN DO IT THEN THERE WILL BE NO VIOLATION"... and now the darn thing wont work and its driving me CRAZY
lol well Im pretty good friends with a sprint worker who would say differently but that's nothing new for sprint not to know what they have already in writing.