Re: september 3rd for sprint
I agree with bigchico on the sero thing, i just got off of the phone with sprint, I have 2 sero lines one 1250 and one 500, and i asked the nice lady about adding the touch pro 2 when it comes out to my account, and "yes" she new the date of the release, Sept 3, though she was under the impression that telesales will have it a few days earlier. With sero you can either add a line at $9.95 per month and share min or you can get another line with either the sero 500 for $30 a month or the 1250 plan for $50 a month. I spent about 35 min on the phone with sprint, she really new alot about the touch pro 2. i currently have the touch pro and had the mogul before that which i gave to the ex-wife, so when i get the touch pro 2 my son will get the pro, what 13 year old needs a pro? but what the heck i want the pro 2.