Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.
I can see where the dividing sides are with the phone and looks wise.
I can tell you that when all the early pics of the Telus Touch Pro 2 were leaked, I definitely said I hated the color scheme. I posted in numerous threads, as well as my own site stating that I didn't like the scheme, although when I actually saw the phone with my own eye's and held it, i was completely WOW'ed with the color choices, etc.
Honestly, Just wait till you see the phone for yourself rather than taking this picture and reviewing it from that.
The phone is a month away, I don't know why everyone is working themselves up over a back cover. Like lets get serious, Sprint made the diamond cover RED??!?!?!
Things could be weirder, as long as the color scheme flows properly, in which it looks like it does with the TP2.
I personally think it looks great.