Originally Posted by gTen
From what I heard yes
Well IN "Theory" if you can setup your device on a gsm network you can video call..but as long as your on CDMA the only way you can get a videocall is over VOIP
As for what you said...I don't know 5G seems pretty damn nice:
NASA researching 'nanosats' for orbiting 5G space network
networkworld.com — NASA is teaming with Machine-to-Machine Intelligence Corporation (m2mi) to create a global networking system using small satellites they call "nanosats." Together, they intend to develop swarms of spacecrafts weighing between 11 and 110 pounds, which will be placed in low Earth orbit to create a 5G commercial telecom and networking systems.
thats what im saying, how is the gsm side of things gonna work on these phones.. i mean technically since AT&T is all over my area, i can just pop in a sim and im on gsm, right?? i dont have to go overseas.. so if its just a flick of a switch so to speak and gsm is that accessible, video calls should be no prob really...
the rest is very intersting stuff actually... but the problem i dont think isnt our abilities to transmit, it our devices physical limitations to recieve.. cell towers are the way to go... satellite tv, junk! satellite internet, garbage! i dont think using satellites to run our networks will solve very much.. i know a traditional sat comm(phone) will work anywhere and in just about any situation, but i dunno about runnin data and all that jazz off it.. very very intersesting though.. hadnt heard this yet..