Originally Posted by sec1rxg@yahoo.com
If you have'nt already done so, flash Aurora 8/01 and stay with it. It works like a charm with ZERO issues and avoid all the negativity
I second that 8-1 is a beast, I tried 8-6 and it was nice but seemed a little tighter than 8-1 in regards to scrolling and starting apps after being launched. 8-1 is so good I don't know if I'll be flashing for awhile unless there are some major changes. The only quirk I've found in both is when you go to the calendar, from titanium, and choose the month view like you wanted to look forward and when you tap on the particular date it doesn't open. The only way to have that dates page open up is by using the center d-pad not a big deal however it is just pushing a button. Great job as usual NRGZ! But now what do I do!