Originally Posted by askwhy
Glad it's working for you. Pretty sure it was working for me too earlier, and I haven't installed anything since Sashimi ran after the flash (I also use the white clock, but no other UI mods). I think I am going to do some more testing...The 'fix' I mentioned is already cooked-in, and is from yozgatg to resolve issues observed in the first hours after his Gen.Y Manila 2.1 was released. It's not something I installed, or that anyone needs to.
EDIT: First test - just sent myself an SMS from Google Voice to Cell Number and immediately my phone gave audible notification of SMS, but Manila does not see it, and there is no bubble indication (no manila blue number bubble over the SMS icon -- the notification manager does know there is an SMS at this point). Manila sees a message from earlier, but I have to click on 'All Messages' to see the SMS I just sent myself -- ok that's weird. The one in Manila from 2 hours ago is *only* in manila, not visible in the classic view. The message I just sent myself is *only* visible in the classic view, and not visible in manila. Very odd...
EDIT2: Going to hard reset and run some *clean* tests. Will report back...
EDIT3: Have not hard reset yet, after one more soft reset did one more test from google voice to cell -- immediately received - NO audible, NO visual notifications, message IS in manila, NOT in classic view. (first test message from before soft reset is still in classic view and NOT in manila).
Something during normal usage (I haven't installed or changed anything in 7 days and probably noticed the problem 2 days ago) of my phone decided to reset
Start->Settings->Sound & Notifications->Notifications
Messaging: New MMS
Messaging: New text message
Phone: Missed call
Phone: Voice mail
Display message on screen [checked->unchecked]
I don't know what did it, but I went back and enabled "Display message on screen" for those entries and my bubble notifications started appearing again. I don't use Manila so cannot comment on the manila message DBs getting out of sync with the missed notifications, but possibly whatever turned off the bubble notifications also turned off notifications manila uses to update its message DBs.
Now if I could just track down the initial instigator of the problem...
PS I'm using the 8/1 RD build so it isn't related to 8/6 or Tachi (in case someone was pursuing that angle)